My little pony art style
My little pony art style

my little pony art style

But a substantial number of them are extremely, jarringly violent. Derpibooru hosts millions of My Little Pony artworks, plenty of which are simple tributes to magic, friendship, and magical friendship. The most popular of these sites is called Derpibooru, a combination of a character’s name and a common term for image boards. My Little Pony fans primarily express their enthusiasm for the show by sharing their own cartoon drawings of the main characters, which they usually upload to the image boards. To them, it’s edgy and provocative to be an adult obsessed with cartoon ponies. Others, however, delight in the irony of their fandom. Many of the show’s adult fans genuinely enjoy My Little Pony and the wholesome escapism it provides.

my little pony art style

They hold well-attended fan conventions they’ve been the stars of multiple documentaries. Even so, bronies have long captured the world’s attention.

my little pony art style

The brony subculture is about as niche as they come, born in internet forums in the early 2010s, an era when hyper-specific interests were the organizing principle of social media. To hear more feature stories, get the Audm iPhone app.

My little pony art style